A thriving innovative culture
io Grande do Sul has placed innovation at the center of its development strategy. As a cross-cutting theme, we talk to all sectors, offering relevant solutions in the face of the rapid changes we are experiencing. Therefore, the promotion of startups as the engine of the new economy is a priority for the State.
We harvest the fruits of various actions. No wonder we are considered the most innovative state in Brazil. We won this position for two consecutive years (2021 and 2022), elected by the Competitiveness Ranking of the States of the Center for Public Leadership (CLP). The number of startups in RS grew about 70 percent in one year, surpassing the one-thousand mark in 2022, according to the Brazilian Association of Startups.
One of the reasons for this success was the internalization of public-innovation policies through the Inova RS program. We divided the state into eight regional ecosystems as a strategy to multiply results, ensuring that our initiatives reach our entire territory in a balanced way.
We also foster a culture of innovation with the arrival of South Summit Brazil to Porto Alegre. Our capital is the first city outside Europe to host the event. In three effervescent days, we provide exchanges between entrepreneurs and major international players, with investment portfolios totaling US$65 billion. With the State as co-organizer, South Summit Brazil is guaranteed until 2027 in Rio Grande do Sul.

Porto Alegre - Photo by Camila Gallon
Our challenge now is to continue growing and facing innovation not as an end but as a means to develop education, health, economy, security and social actions, without neglecting contemporary challenges. After all, these are investments that reverberate in all areas and translate into better quality of life for the people of Rio Grande do Sul. This is our biggest goal.

Eduardo Leite,
Governor of the State of Rio Grande do Sul