Startup Guide’s manifesto on sustainability and impact

1 min read
10 Feb 2020

he founder of Startup Guide shares how the role of the company has shifted from sharing stories about tech, funding and growth to driving sustainable business and impact entrepreneurship.

Startup Guide was founded on the mission to guide, empower and inspire people to start their entrepreneurial journey anywhere. Though helping entrepreneurs start their businesses has been the goal of our guidebooks since our inception, this is no longer enough. We need to begin evaluating what impact – both negative and positive – a business can make.

We hope that our guidebooks and online content inspire you both as a reader and an entrepreneur to create positive impact.

As a media and publishing company, we have a responsibility to use our role to contribute to the narrative of what good business means today. Therefore, we want to help drive the shift toward sustainable businesses and impact entrepreneurship. Until now, we’ve talked about technology, funding and growth, but what we haven’t talked enough about is how we can solve the world’s largest and most important challenges and how to create businesses from that.

Thus, we need new businesses to take new measures – to find ways to tap into their power and realize creative entrepreneurial solutions to the problems we’re facing now and in the future. In moving over to this vision for our guidebooks, we found it necessary to begin highlighting the ecosystems that advance impact innovation through businesses, working toward a greater good in more ways than one. 

We hope that our guidebooks and online content inspire you both as a reader and an entrepreneur to create positive impact. Our world depends on it.

Startup Guide Switzerland
